Customization: | Available |
After-sales Service: | 1years or 2000hours |
Warranty: | 1years or 2000hours |
Suppliers with verified business licenses
Engine Rating: 20501 Axial | Package Hours: 16,813 Approx. |
Fuel Type: Gas | Total Starts: 52 |
Combustion Type Fuel: Conventional | Product Location: Europe |
NGP (RPM): 11170 50Hz / 11197 60Hz | Manufacture Year: 2007 |
Power (G/L): 15000 NA kWe | Serial No.: To be disclosed after signing NDA |
T5 BASE (G/L): 1366°F / 1400°F | Approximate Shipping Date: Available for delivery |
We are pleasure to send to you our proposal for the supplying of 1 Solar Brand Gas Turbines, model Titan 130. Engine has been operate approximated 16,813 hours, compressor section has been done boroscope inspection without off- line washing as engine crank once weeks for in the past 3 months, the result show that minor dirt deposited on all compressor parts such as IGV, VGV and blades, so recommended to keep using this type of filter in order to avoid washing compressor section frequently with keep close monitoring differential pressure. |
Compressor section:
Combustor section:
Turbine section: 1st, 2nd and 3rd nozzle and 2nd, 3rd blades are normal condition as running hour approximate 16,813 hrs. |
Overall engine condition found to be in good condition, all engine section is normal compare to other engine. No rub marked, FOD or any sign of loose part in the entire engine internal section. |
1. Sale Price: Price for 1 x Titan 130 -where is, as is: 3,300,000.00 USD negotiable. |
2. Delivery time: The delivery time: ready for delivery as is, where is. The delivery date will be appointed after seller receives the P.O. + 10% down payment from your company. |
Please indicate your acceptance of this offer and provide P.O. for further instructions on how to proceed with the documentation, NDA and deposit. I look forward to a prompt response. |